About Me

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I am Nwabuko Integrity Chidiebube. A Person who is always ready to Inspire others to bring out the best in themselves. A Person who is growing into the best version of Himself.

Friday, 30 September 2016


Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. When you are being true to yourself, you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communication your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world. Cultivating a deep and trusting relationship with yourself is also beneficial, it aids in your growth both physically and other wise. Being you will give you confidence. So friends always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself so that you will become successful.

Credit goes to: Nwabuko Integrity

Friday, 23 September 2016


Sometimes in Life you just want to stop doing some certain things, but you can’t. You are always thinking of how you would stop those certain things in life. When you are about to stop it, you feel weak and powerless. All you need to do is to be determined to stop them. Be ready to stop them, make sure you don’t give in to any circumstances that will warrant you to do them. Talk to those who are more matured than you, share your problems with them, listen to their experiences of how they were able to stop certain things in Life and learn from them. Although it might not be easy, but you can do it if you are determined to. So friends always be determined to stop certain things in Life that discourages you, be ready to stop them, make sure you don’t give in so that you will be successful.


Credit goes to: Nwabuko Integrity

Friday, 16 September 2016


``There was a time when all you needed to succeed was the ability to read and write English.
After that came the era of university degree. In fact, you had the chances of getting a good job with a good salary.
Then came the era of Masters and PhD. The demands of the Labour market went higher. You had to have a masters or PhD to get a good job.
Before long it became the era of foreign degrees... employers started looking for people from foreign universities.
Now that era has ended: We are now in the era of skills. What you know and what you can do with your brain or your hands. Your level of education notwithstanding; what matters right now is the skills that you have especially new age/digital skills.
So I ask you, what are you doing to remain relevant in this season?
Are you still carrying your certificate up and down with obsolete knowledge?
Or you are still blaming the government that is not even aware of your existence?
Do you even understand that "WORK" as we knew it ten years back has changed?
Are you aware that by 2025, machines and robots would have cleaned out 800,000 jobs and new market demands will evolve?
Are you preparing for the future of work or you will cross that bridge when you get there?
It will be in your best interest to start to UNLEARN, LEARN AND RELEARN.
Invest in yourself, upgrade on a daily basis.
Pay the price.
You can't afford the price of ignorance and poverty. Its too expensive!
The very best investment you can make is back into yourself, getting continually better at the skills that are enabling you to earn money in the first place. When you become absolutely excellent in your field, you will eventually be paid very well for it. So friends, invest in yourself, make sure you are very good in what you are doing so that you will become successful.

Credit Goes To: Nwabuko Integrity and Isaiah Akpan

Friday, 9 September 2016


Your Family, your friends, your colleagues, your husband, your wife are not the key to your success. You are the key to your success. Yes, you yourself. You becoming successful depend on you willing to succeed. Your ability to succeed depends on you. So friends, do not rely on others to succeed but instead rely on yourself to succeed.