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I am Nwabuko Integrity Chidiebube. A Person who is always ready to Inspire others to bring out the best in themselves. A Person who is growing into the best version of Himself.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017


"The only way that we can live, is to grow.
  The only way that we can grow is if we change.
  The only way we can change is if we learn.
  The only way we can learn is if we are exposed.
  And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out in the open.
                                        Do it. Throw yourself."

Some dreams or goals seem much too large to be achievable; it’s in our nature to stop pursuing it after our initial excitement wears off. Even positive change will feel initially frightening, embrace the feeling and don’t give up.

Sunday, 26 November 2017


Thé Moral Lâw Is Thé Lâw Of Natüré. Nobody Cãn Cheat Nature And Get Awày With Ít. Natüré Will Always Have Thé Last Wõrd. After Thé Violation And Thé Enjóyment Resultíng From It Thé Punishment Will Surely Follôw In à Manner And Àt A Tímê One may Not Expect. It Is Therefõre Foolísh Tó Enjoy Todãy Only Tô Suffer For Ít Tomorrow

Credit Goes To: Daniel A. Celestine

Friday, 10 November 2017


Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please and impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite, Inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.

Credit goes to : Robert Greene


Monday, 6 November 2017


Compassion is more than just a feeling. Showing compassion means that we not only notice what others are going through but are moved to help them.
Even though we were created to be compassionate, we are imperfect and tend to be selfish. Sometimes it may not be easy for us to decide whether to help other people or to focus on ourselves. It is always good to show compassion. Here are few reasons why we need to show compassion:

  1. Mental-health experts say that showing compassion can improve our health and our relationships with others
  2. When you help those who are suffering, you will feel happier, more hopeful, less lonely, and less negative.
  3. Compassion will help us to be better parents, marriage mates, and friends.
  4. People who show compassion to others usually receive help when they need it.

There are many ways to show compassion. Here are few ways:
  1. Be considerate
    Be equally considerate to friends, family and strangersListen fully without judgment, and give each person your full attention (no texting, no phone calls, no seeming to be bored!) – use direct eye contact and keep your ears open to their needs.

  2. Be affectionate
    Sometimes all people really need is a loving touch, a sincere hug, or a warm smile. Simple gestures of affection, even a pat on the hand, help ease strain and show your genuine compassion.

  3. Communicate in a warm way
    Let your genuine interest in helping the other person show through heartfelt communication. You can make a world of difference by simply listening and talking in a warm, patient manner. Use encouraging vocabulary, be optimistic and concentrate on showing complete understanding.

  4. Show empathy
    Empathy is showing that you understand another’s feelings or emotions; you identify with the situation and care enough to place yourself in another’s shoes. “I understand” is a great way to communicate this.

  5. Be selfless
    To help someone else you have to take your own needs out of the equation. Put your focus and energy on the other person, be selfless, and limit any distractions or personal goals as long as you are committed to the needs of another. 

  6. Practice acts of kindness
    Go out of your way to be kind.  You can treat someone to small things like a new book, frozen yogurt, or just a laugh to brighten even the toughest of days.  You can also volunteer your time, offering to baby sit, run errands, etc. for anyone with a lot of weight on their shoulders.

  7. Send a meaningful message
    Send compassionate feelings via a simple text message to someone you care about.  Just tell them you were thinking of them and you love them.  A simple way to show they matter to you.

  8. Show unconditional love
    This is a total approach towards showing compassion in every area of life.  Don’t just hear, but listen without judgment, be extremely present in the conversation, give sound advice, offer your hugs and love freely. Be understanding and above all, love unconditionally. 


Saturday, 4 November 2017


Positive thinking has a great effect on us as humans. Negative thinking affects us; they have proven many times to narrow our focus and scope of work. It’s one of the most powerful ways to shut our minds off to opportunities or new ideas. Although negative thinking are programmed into our brains to help us survive. For example, if we are to come across dangerous animal in the wild, the negative thinking of fear and anxiety would narrow our focus so that all we could think about was not becoming that animal’s dinner. A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. Positive thinking is not a concept that everyone believes and follows. Some, consider it as nonsense, and scoff at people who follow it. However, there is a growing number of people, who accept positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness.
With a positive attitude we experience pleasant and happy feelings. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy, and happiness. Our whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even our health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice is more powerful, and our body language shows the way we feel.


Credit Goes to: Nwabuko Integrity Chidiebube

Thursday, 2 November 2017


The fact that there is a tendency to be choked by food does not mean we should not eat at all or the fact that we may have a nightmare does not mean we should not sleep at all. Don't close your eyes because there are bad people around you, otherwise you will miss the chance to find good people. Apart from the possibility of seeing the good people that may come your way, how would you even see and save yourself from the bad people if you close your eyes? Don't let your painful experience with bad people rob you of possible encounter with good people. Don't Be like the proverbial ostrich that burries its head in sand in an attempt to escape from reality. Face your lingering fears with lots of faith. There will always be good peope to find in this world. In any case, even if you think there are no good people around you, be the good person another person can find. Be the change you want to see. Are you single looking for a good person to marry? The question to ask yourself is "am I a good person?" Be self-actualized.