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I am Nwabuko Integrity Chidiebube. A Person who is always ready to Inspire others to bring out the best in themselves. A Person who is growing into the best version of Himself.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020


When it comes to marriage, it's true that love is important but it's also true that love alone is insufficient. Character and compatibility are other essential factors worth considering before marriage. Compatibility comprises medical and faith orientations. Many factors are secondary when considering whom to marry. Issues like height, race, food preference etc can be adjusted to. But something like faith is a foundational issue and cannot be overlooked without facing seriou
s consequences. A controversial person may argue saying that a penguin can marry and live with a fish in water. But the question is: why is it that there is no penguin that is married to a fish? It means even animals know better what or who to marry. And even if a penguin should marry a fish, they will have to endure their marriage just as we will, if we marry anyone we are not compatible with. The truth is: marriage is not meant to be merely endured; it is meant to be mainly enjoyed. Yes, you cannot have a perfect marriage but you can have a perfect match. Owing to their nature, the fish will always suspect something fishy with the bird and it will be difficult for the bird to understand the fish since it will always be looking at things from a bird’s eye view. Be compatible!

Credit Goes to: African Proverbs

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